Exploring the Positive Impact of Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) and Good Corporate Governance (GCG) on Firm Value: A Constructive Review of Literature


  • Nurus Safira Muklisoh Surabaya State University
  • Rohmawati Kusumaningtias Surabaya State University


This research explores the correlation between optimising the Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) and implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) on firm value based on an extensive review of relevant literature. The Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) encompasses various investment options available to companies to bolster their firm value. Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a system that ensures effective and transparent management while safeguarding the interests of the company's stakeholders. The review includes an explanation of IOS, relevant GCG indicators, and the impact of both on firm value. Based on existing literature, this study aims to understand better how optimising IOS and implementing GCG can influence firm value in different contexts.




How to Cite

Muklisoh, N. S., & Kusumaningtias, R. (2024). Exploring the Positive Impact of Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) and Good Corporate Governance (GCG) on Firm Value: A Constructive Review of Literature. Proceeding ICAMEKA: International Conference Accounting, Management & Economics Uniska, 1, 328–339. Retrieved from https://icamekaproceedings.fe.uniska-kediri.ac.id/index.php/icameka/article/view/30

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