Ugahari Through Financial Literacy Realizes Sustainable Welfare Economic Development


  • Annisa Anita Dewi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Self-existence in consumptive behavior is a challenge in the human dimension that has an impact on the nation's socioeconomy. The research was conducted with the aim to: (1) diagnose various factors that lead to consumptive behavior; (2) identify financial literacy among young people of productive age to encourage the realization of ugahari that can be applied in improving socioeconomics so as to realize sustainable prosperous economic development. This research uses a qualitative design in the form of a case study to examine various events related to lifestyle and financial literacy. Data collection was carried out using interview techniques, questionnaires and literature studies for data reinforcement. This research was conducted in West Java with generation respondents belonging to the millennial generation and generation Z who are the most productive age of the Indonesian population. The results of this study indicate that consumptive behavior among the younger generation is still very high due to a number of background factors, one of which is lifestyle and lifestyle. Through financial literacy, preventive and curative measures can be taken to overcome consumptive behavior. Financial literacy efforts in practice require collaborative engagement with activists, IT experts who can increase the awareness of the dangers of consumptive behavior. In addition, it is necessary to synergize stakeholders in the surrounding education sector so that they have a broad opportunity to provide more in-depth socialization related to financial literacy to reduce consumptive behavior among the younger generation and the realization of ugahari to improve socioeconomics to realize sustainable prosperous development.




How to Cite

Dewi, A. A. (2024). Ugahari Through Financial Literacy Realizes Sustainable Welfare Economic Development. Proceeding ICAMEKA: International Conference Accounting, Management & Economics Uniska, 1, 667–678. Retrieved from