Analysis Of Price, Taste, Location, Product Quality, And Promotion on Customer Loyalty Mediated with Purchase Satisfaction At Labuan Cafe, Brondong District


  • Abid Muhtarom Universitas Islam Lamongan
  • Frengky Wahyudi Universitas Islam Lamongan
  • Yuhronur Efendi Universitas Islam Lamongan
  • Mohammad Yaskun Universitas Islam Lamongan
  • Sutinem Universitas Islam Lamongan


The development of the business world is growing very rapidly. The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia published a press release on the website and announced that in 2022, the role of SMEs in Indonesia as a form of economic development will be very large and reach 99%. . of all business units. The purpose of this study is to find the effect of price, taste, location, product quality and promotion on customer loyalty mediated by purchase satisfaction. Using a quantitative approach with a sample of 278 respondents, with SEM analysis using the Smart PLS version 3.0 application. by testing the outer model, inner model, mediation test and hypothesis test. The results of the study obtained in the validity test stated the loading factor number ≥ 0.7 and the AVE value ≥ 0.5 so that it can be stated valid, in the composite reliability test and cronbach's alpha ≥ 0.7 so that it can be stated reliable. The results of the study showed that price (X1) on customer loyalty (Y) had a negative and insignificant effect, price (X1) on purchase satisfaction (Z) had a negative and insignificant effect, taste (X2) on customer loyalty (Y) had a positive but insignificant effect, taste (X2) on purchase satisfaction (Z) had a positive and significant effect, location (X3) on customer loyalty (Y) had a negative but significant effect, location (X3) on purchase satisfaction (Z) had a positive but insignificant effect, product quality (X4) on customer loyalty (Y) had a negative but significant effect, product quality (X4) on purchase satisfaction (Z) had a positive and significant effect, promotion (X5) on customer loyalty (Y) had a negative and insignificant effect, promotion (X4) on purchase satisfaction (Z) had a negative and insignificant effect, purchase satisfaction (Z) on customer loyalty (Y) had a positive but insignificant effect.




How to Cite

Muhtarom, A., Wahyudi, F., Efendi, Y., Yaskun, M., & Sutinem. (2024). Analysis Of Price, Taste, Location, Product Quality, And Promotion on Customer Loyalty Mediated with Purchase Satisfaction At Labuan Cafe, Brondong District. Proceeding ICAMEKA: International Conference Accounting, Management & Economics Uniska, 1, 923–939. Retrieved from