Potential for Empowering Local Wisdom as a Business Opportunity and Village Economic Development


  • Siti Afifah Universitas Nurul Huda
  • Ajeng Najah Fauziah Universitas Nurul Huda


Local wisdom is a cultural heritage that reflects the identity and character of a community. In Indonesia, the diversity of local wisdom, from handicrafts, traditional arts, to agricultural practices, offers great opportunities for empowering the village economy. It empowers a great potential in encouraging village economic development and opening up sustainable business opportunities. Local wisdom, which includes knowledge, skills and traditions that passed down over generations, can be the basis for innovation and economic sustainability at the village level. The writer discusses how it can be integrated into village economic development strategies. This empowerment potential not only creates new business opportunities, but also contributes to preserving culture and improving the welfare of village communities. By identifying and utilizing local wisdom effectively, villages can develop an inclusive and sustainable economic model, while strengthening their cultural identity in the era of globalization. This study aims to examine the potential of local wisdom as a basis for business development and improving the welfare of village communities. By utilizing the potential of local wisdom, villages can create jobs, increase income and reduce dependence on external assistance. Through a qualitative approach, this study explores various empowerment strategies that can be implemented to optimize this potential.




How to Cite

Afifah, S., & Fauziah, A. N. (2024). Potential for Empowering Local Wisdom as a Business Opportunity and Village Economic Development. Proceeding ICAMEKA: International Conference Accounting, Management & Economics Uniska, 1, 951–958. Retrieved from https://icamekaproceedings.fe.uniska-kediri.ac.id/index.php/icameka/article/view/78