Analysis Of Working Capital And Financial Management Income Of Business Actors Receiving Capital Assistance


  • Istiati Kurrota A’yun Universitas Islam Kadiri


Working capital in a company has a very important role in supporting the activities of a company because working capital is needed by every industry in supporting its daily operational activities.. Data collection techniques with interviews and observations. Interactive data analysis using the Miles and Hubberman model, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of data with triangulation of sources and techniques. The results of the study obtained 1) The business capital of MSME actors comes from bank loans and some from independent capital. Efforts made by MSME actors in managing working capital so that it can run well are with mature financial planning, strict management of receivables and efficient inventory management. 2) Financial management implemented by MSMEs includes: Cash Flow Management, Receivables Management, Debt Management. Constraints experienced by MSMEs in financial management: Limited financial resources, Lack of understanding of financial management, Irregular financial records. 3) The production results obtained are in accordance with expectations and can meet daily needs. Efforts made by MSMEs to increase their production results are: Evaluation of the Production Process, Improving Product Quality, Investment in Technology and Equipment.




How to Cite

A’yun, I. K. (2024). Analysis Of Working Capital And Financial Management Income Of Business Actors Receiving Capital Assistance. Proceeding ICAMEKA: International Conference Accounting, Management & Economics Uniska, 1, 1005–1014. Retrieved from