Brand Positioning in Chellep Mineral Water Produced by Bustanul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Sumenep


  • Moh. Gozi Hafifillah Universitas Wiraraja
  • Unsul Abrar Universitas Wiraraja


People have habits in their daily activities. In one day, people must drink mineral water and usually they drink 2 liters of water every day. This is an opportunity for the caretaker of the bustanul ulum boarding school in the village of sentol laok, pragaan sub-district, Sumenep district. So the creation of mineral water with the brand “Chellep”. Although many mineral water brands already exist and are more famous than Chellep mineral water, Chellep mineral water can position its business with a “brand positioning” strategy.  Chellep mineral water's market segment focuses on people in Sumenep district, although its market share is not wide. Therefore, we conducted a mini research on the brand positioning of Chellep mineral water using the research methods of literature study and descriptive research




How to Cite

Hafifillah, M. G., & Abrar, U. (2024). Brand Positioning in Chellep Mineral Water Produced by Bustanul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Sumenep. Proceeding ICAMEKA: International Conference Accounting, Management & Economics Uniska, 1, 851–855. Retrieved from